Friday, December 14, 2007

Carols by Candlelight

Wed 12th December 2007.

A perfect evening during a stormy month, a beautiful sunset on the lawn at the waterside of Hartbeespoortdam, Caribbean Beach Club was the setting for our picnic and carol service. The violins and guitars accompanied our carol singing and in between songs various people read the story of Jesus' birth to us.

To get us thinking Rev Jannie asked us where would we address a letter to Jesus?..Bethlehem.......Jerusalem.....? How about our own address? We sing "O now carry me to Bethlehem, to see the Lord appear to men..", but the true meaning of Christmas is that the Lord is born in our hearts and lives at our address, and does not remain the baby in a manger in Bethlehem 2000 years ago.

May we all experience His closeness every day - may every day be Christmas and may we all savour the "moments" with loved ones and friends and also think of those who suffer and grieve more intensely at this time.