Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lay Witness weekend - Faith and Fellowship

We, at Brits Methodist Church, are blessed to be hosting a lay witness weekend on 5, 6 and 7 October.

Although the church hosted a Lay Witness Mission a few years ago, there are many members who were not here at that time and who have not experienced such a weekend before. To tell us more about how the weekend works and how each member of the Church can get involved, a coordinator from Lay Witness will be speaking at the service on Sunday 19 August.

From our church, Priscilla Oosthuizen is handling the coordination - a mighty task - and she would appreciate any help from members of our church. Particular areas of need include people for the prayer group, publicity, accommodation, catering, transport, tea and coffee groups, youth, music and flowers. Please contact her on 072 779 9744 if you are able to help in any way.