Friday, December 12, 2008

A perfect evening for Carols by candlelight at the waterfront

The glorious sunset itself made the evening perfect as folk had a picnic on the lush green lawns of the Caribbean Beach Club.
As the sun dipped down behind the mountains the violins and guitars tuned up and the special Scripture readings were shared and carols sung as candles flickered happily in the evening air.

Carol singing at Sonop Home

In previous years we have sung carols to those residents of the home able to join us in the hall. This year we decided to visit each ward and room. The corridors rang with carols and the faces lit up as we visited.
A huge box of presents was pushed on a trolley taking something for each person.
Tired feet, fingers and voices we may have had but we will never forget the joy on the faces of these precious people.
We say thanks to Elsje for organising it all.

Christmas party at Sonop Feeding Scheme

So many children and adults gathered in Sonop for a very special party.Colourful flags waved to the music as Anatasia taught the children about lifting up the name of Jesus and then Marianne told them a story. There were a couple of items sung to Meisie as she was thanked for starting the Feeding Scheme. The children lined up in age groups to receive their packet of goodies while guitars and a violin accompanied some Christmas carols.
Later on every enjoyed a boerewors roll.
The miracle of this feeding scheme is that it started as Meisie's dream nad starting with a large pot and her own food parcel it has grown into the feeding of 200 daily with donations coming from all over as hearts are touched.