Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Wedding

This is a recent wedding. The church and the bridal party were so beautiful. When the cameraman needed to change a battery - no problem - the choir just sang while he did that!
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Beautiful boys

One of our new babies soon to be baptised being proudly held by cousin Amo.
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Bright smile and colours

This is Elizabeth Makuwa, a member at Brits- what a advert for our rainbow church. She can always be found helping out around. She has also been on the Emmaus Walk
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Together again

It was great to be together again as the two congregations of Brits Methodist and Harties joined for a service, because the Harties venue was not available that Sunday - a good excuse for a reunion!
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God's work

Life at Brits Methodist church is good. We praise our Lord for His faithfulness and provision. Services are well attended and our leaders and helpers are doing well. We recently enjoyed a combined service with both the Brits and Harties congregations together. It was like a big, happy family reunion.

The Sunday school is strong and doing well under the leadership of Moira.

We love our new organ - we are so gratefull to Sinoville Methodist in Pretoria for donating it to us. May God bless you for your kindness.

The next Emmaus Walks are soon and we are sending quite a few people to experience this wonderful spiritual journey. We know these folk will be blessed out of their socks.

We have at least 2 new babies and we congratulate these proud families.

The combined Youth group from both the Brits church and Harties church meet each Friday evening for supper (provided by the moms) and a Bible study, some music and a game if there is time. These enthusuatic young folk are also visiting a safe house on a Saturday afternoon once a month to play with the children there.

We started off Lent with our Koeksuster making delicious pancakes.We then had an Ash Service and started the Lent journey to the cross reminded of what Jesus went through. Some of us have given something up or a fasting one day a week to prepare ourselves for Holy Week.

Easter Programme
Passover Supper – Wed 19th March
6.30 pm at Harties
Tennebrae Service – Thursday 20th March
7.00 pm at Brits
Good Friday – Fri 21st March Harties and 9.30 Brits
Easter Sunrise Service – Time to be advised
Caribbean Beach Club
Resurrection Sunday 23rd March
8am Harties 9.30 am Brits