Friday, December 12, 2008

A perfect evening for Carols by candlelight at the waterfront

The glorious sunset itself made the evening perfect as folk had a picnic on the lush green lawns of the Caribbean Beach Club.
As the sun dipped down behind the mountains the violins and guitars tuned up and the special Scripture readings were shared and carols sung as candles flickered happily in the evening air.

Carol singing at Sonop Home

In previous years we have sung carols to those residents of the home able to join us in the hall. This year we decided to visit each ward and room. The corridors rang with carols and the faces lit up as we visited.
A huge box of presents was pushed on a trolley taking something for each person.
Tired feet, fingers and voices we may have had but we will never forget the joy on the faces of these precious people.
We say thanks to Elsje for organising it all.

Christmas party at Sonop Feeding Scheme

So many children and adults gathered in Sonop for a very special party.Colourful flags waved to the music as Anatasia taught the children about lifting up the name of Jesus and then Marianne told them a story. There were a couple of items sung to Meisie as she was thanked for starting the Feeding Scheme. The children lined up in age groups to receive their packet of goodies while guitars and a violin accompanied some Christmas carols.
Later on every enjoyed a boerewors roll.
The miracle of this feeding scheme is that it started as Meisie's dream nad starting with a large pot and her own food parcel it has grown into the feeding of 200 daily with donations coming from all over as hearts are touched.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Plans for Christmas 2008

Sat 6th Dec 11 am Christmas Party at the Sonop Feeding Scheme

Tuesday 9th Dec 10 am - Visiting the rooms at Sonop Old Age Home with gifts and singing carols

Wednesday 10th Dec 6pm Picnic and Carols by Candlelight at Caribbean Beach Club- bring your own picnic, chair/blanket and candle

Thursday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY - Worship at the church at 9.30 am

Monday, November 24, 2008

Concert at Sonop Old Age Home

To our delight and the residents of Sonop Old Age Home, the children from the Sonop school danced and sang. The rain did not deter them and their young, fresh faces brought joy to us all. They received cake and juice and so did the residents. It was a lovely morning where the old could be blessed by the young.

Sonop Feeding Scheme

When some ladies in Sonop decided to try and feed the children and poor people from their meagre and small pensions, Elsje came to their rescue and with donations from our church and Rotary has helped to get this new feeding scheme on its feet.
There are now over 200 children and grown ups being fed daily just in the garden and car port of Meisie's home in Sonop.
Our church is supplying the bread for each day. All donations are welcome and a basket is in the church foyer for any contributions that people would like to make.
On the 6th December there will be a party for these folk and we will be going along to support them and to sing carols.
Watch this space.....

Baptism Font

Brits church has received a baptism font - from our own Rev Jannie's family. After the sad passing of Jannie's father, the furniture was shared between the 3 children. Jannie asked for the baptism font which his mother had bought from her church which had been replaced by a new one. As a keen flower arranger Jannie's mom had used the font for her beautiful arrangements at home.
This font was used at Brits church for the first time when baby Seth Griessel was baptised on the 9th of November.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rev Jannie- a significant year

Our Rev Jannie studied under Professor Malan and got his honours degree. Jannie was ordained 20 years ago and has been in the ministry 25 years.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Father's day

Quotes for Fathers’ Day

Worship is the way we honour our heavenly Father and thank Him that we are one of His beloved children.
(Stormie Omartian.)

There are only two things we should give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.”
(Hodding Carter)

In bringing up children, spend on them half as much money and twice as much time.”

“Many of us have inherited great riches from our parents – the bank account of PERSONAL FAITH and Family PRAYERS. (Nels Ferre)

Each day we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. (Charles Swindoll)

“when you teach your son, you teach your son’s son.
(The Talmud)

A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child.

Children seldom misquote you. In fact they repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said. (unknown)

I love to play hide and seek with my child, but some days my goal is to find a hiding place where he can‘t find me until after high school.) (Unknown)

Baby Boom

Recently about 7 babies have been baptised in our little church. Some were happy to be held by Rev Jannie and others not so happy. We pray God's blessing on these little ones and as a church we commit ourselves to help bring them up to know and follow the Lord Jesus. One of the little one's English names was even "Bless"!!

Building up the local church

With the expert help of Professor Malan Nel from Tukkies we have engaged in a process to build up the local church. On the 12th April we spent the day with Prof and he guided us through questionnaires to establish what we saw as our weaknesses and strengths. We formed a sub- committee who has been looking at these and we have put out response forms to the congregation. There have been further meetings with Prof Nel to help inplement these ideas. We are now putting all this together and setting objectives and a mission statement. There is to be further discussion with the congregation.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Palm Sunday

This is a special day when we remember Jesus entering Jerusalem riding on a colt and all the people shouting and singing, waving palm branches and putting cloaks on the ground. When Jesus stopped at one stage the Bible says He wept over Jerusalem. We realize that He weeps today over the tragedies in our world. But the good news is that He faced the cross to bring hope and new life.

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Holy Week 2008

On Sunday we "launched" into Holy Week with joyful singing and the waving of ferns. We thank the ladies who made us all beautiful palm crosses that we will treasure and perhaps keep in our Bibles for another year.

This is a very meaningful and special week as we remember what Jesus went through for us. On Wedneday at our Harties church we will be celebrating the Passover meal and "Jews for Jesus" are coming to explain the significance of each part of the meal to us and how Christ fulfilled them.

On Thursday we will have the Service of the Shadows at Brits - called the Tennebrae Service and as we read all the events leading up to the cross, candles will be extinguished until we sit in the dark shadows, praying.

On Friday morning we will gather for our Good Friday service as Jesus hung on that cross and then on Sunday we will greet the rising sun over the dam and celebrate that our Saviour rose from the dead. I am sure the service on Sunday will be filled with joy and promise of our risen Saviour's presence.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Wedding

This is a recent wedding. The church and the bridal party were so beautiful. When the cameraman needed to change a battery - no problem - the choir just sang while he did that!
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Beautiful boys

One of our new babies soon to be baptised being proudly held by cousin Amo.
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Bright smile and colours

This is Elizabeth Makuwa, a member at Brits- what a advert for our rainbow church. She can always be found helping out around. She has also been on the Emmaus Walk
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Together again

It was great to be together again as the two congregations of Brits Methodist and Harties joined for a service, because the Harties venue was not available that Sunday - a good excuse for a reunion!
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God's work

Life at Brits Methodist church is good. We praise our Lord for His faithfulness and provision. Services are well attended and our leaders and helpers are doing well. We recently enjoyed a combined service with both the Brits and Harties congregations together. It was like a big, happy family reunion.

The Sunday school is strong and doing well under the leadership of Moira.

We love our new organ - we are so gratefull to Sinoville Methodist in Pretoria for donating it to us. May God bless you for your kindness.

The next Emmaus Walks are soon and we are sending quite a few people to experience this wonderful spiritual journey. We know these folk will be blessed out of their socks.

We have at least 2 new babies and we congratulate these proud families.

The combined Youth group from both the Brits church and Harties church meet each Friday evening for supper (provided by the moms) and a Bible study, some music and a game if there is time. These enthusuatic young folk are also visiting a safe house on a Saturday afternoon once a month to play with the children there.

We started off Lent with our Koeksuster making delicious pancakes.We then had an Ash Service and started the Lent journey to the cross reminded of what Jesus went through. Some of us have given something up or a fasting one day a week to prepare ourselves for Holy Week.

Easter Programme
Passover Supper – Wed 19th March
6.30 pm at Harties
Tennebrae Service – Thursday 20th March
7.00 pm at Brits
Good Friday – Fri 21st March Harties and 9.30 Brits
Easter Sunrise Service – Time to be advised
Caribbean Beach Club
Resurrection Sunday 23rd March
8am Harties 9.30 am Brits