Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Helping Hands - our HIV / AIDS programme

The “Helping Hands” programme, aimed at HIV/AIDS patients at the Brits hospital, remains our primary outreach program. The number of patients supported with refreshments, Spiritual counseling, prayers and Bible continues to grow and now averages at around 65 to 70 patients per day (of which 10 are children below the age of 6 years).

In the first six months of this year, more than 300 Bibles have been distributed to patients.

As the program has matured, we have gained the confidence of the hospital care workers, many of whom are HIV patients themselves. We are now receiving requests for spiritual support for all areas of the hospital staff, not just the AIDS area. Each morning we commence with a hymn, a Bible reading, a short devotional talk and close with a prayer.

In conjunction with the Brits branch of the Rotary Club of SA, the hospital was presented with 3 new wheelchairs. Additionally, items such as chairs and benches have also been donated to the hospital for the patients use.

Toys and playground equipment for the children have are being donated on an ongoing basis. This is a huge treat for the children who spend hours at the hospital and your donations are greatly appreciated.

In conjunction with the Brits branch of Hospice, we will start distributing food parcels to AIDS affected families from September 1, 2007. Anyone able to donate food and/or assist in any way should contact Selwyn or Wanita
Pics and article courtesy Selwyn Kerr

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Congratulations Jason!!!

Not only did Jason du Plessis win 5 medals for his Irish dancing during the recent school holidays, this talented young man has also been invited to Washington DC to participate in the World Leadership Forum in 2008.

The World Leadership Forum is arranged by People to People International founded by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1956 with the premise that peace can be achieved through understanding. Jason was nominated by his school as an outstanding student with high academic standing and promising leadership potential.

We are so proud to have this very talented young man in our congregation.
Pic courtesy Charmaine Ashby.

Bibles for All

Toward the end of last year, we started selling Bibles at slightly cheaper rates than available at most book stores. The small profits made on these sales go toward the purchase of Bibles for people who have no other access to the Word

Bibles are sold after Communion services (ie every third Sunday) but are available from Wanita after any service.

More information on the Bible Society is available from their web page (see link on the right hand side of your screen) or from Wanita.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Brits Emmaus Reunion Group

Our monthly reunion meeting for July is being postponed (new date to be advised) as it coincides with the boys Chyrsalis flight and that fact that there are a couple of people away that weekend. We will notify all reunion group members when we have a new date.

Pics of the reunion group's last meeting show that a great time is had by all!!
Pics courtesy Charmaine Ashby.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Chrysalis girls flight - June / July 2007

The Brits Emmaus Reunion group is thrilled to welcome Amy Ashby and Elbé du Preez who recently completed their Chrysalis flight.

The boys, John Ashby and Timothy Coutlakis, are doing their flight on the weekend of 13 July.

Post and pic courtesy Charmaine Ashby

Worship Group

Every Thursday evening the worship group has their practice session. We are so blessed
with the many talents in the group. We boast with the Coutlakis family - Jandy (not present) Timothy, Michael and Amy on violins. The du Preez family - Louize on drums, Moira vocal & Elbe’. The Ashby family - John electric guitar, Amy classic or organ & Charmaine vocal, then Frieda with her angelic voice, Elizabeth tenor & Kelvin. Taking the lead is Rev. Jannie Hofmeyr.

Post and pic courtesy Charmaine Ashby

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Well, here is our new blog site. I am still learning how all this works, but please let me know what you think.

If you have any PICTURES, news, stories etc. for our blog please email them to me so that I can add them.

You may like to have a look at the Hilton Methodist blog site ( which I think is superb. The pictures make it!!

We can post all our events (before and after) so please let me have as much info as you can.
