A simple explanation of treading lightly on the earth is to have a light eco footprint or to reduce/lighten your eco footprint. And an ecological footprint is a method for calculating your impact on the natural environment by assessing how much land is required to produce the resources you use in your everyday life. It is about the demand humans make on Nature and Earth to supply the lifestyle they live.
Most ‘developed’ industrial countries are consuming more than the earth can provide. Many cities and towns are struggling to maintain a reliable water supply.
To tread lightly on the earth means to respect the earth, and respect our position as caretakers of this land for future generations, but so many of us think it is our right to pillage and plunder as our shortsighted greed dictates.
If we do this to a business how long do you think it will last? What if one or all members of a household do this, how long would it last? Doing this to our Earth home, how long do you think it will last?
Aboriginal people taught themselves thousands of years ago how to live sustainably in the earth’s fragile landscape. But this is something we’ve forgotten in hundreds of years of striving to achieve more, to produce more, to build bigger and better things.
We have forgotten to walk lightly, and instead mine the earth of its natural resources, clear cut forests, pollute water ways and oceans, alter the landscape to fit our needs, pollute the air, turn the rain acidic and the ozone holed, to name but a few.
We have forgotten to walk lightly, and instead mine the earth of its natural resources, clear cut forests, pollute water ways and oceans, alter the landscape to fit our needs, pollute the air, turn the rain acidic and the ozone holed, to name but a few.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the inhabitants of earth as All things are connected.
Treading Lightly takes us on a unique journey back to living in balance and harmony with the Earth, and Life
Make a pledge to do something today!
Be an Example! Help, show, share, teach; talk to children, friends, neighbours, about treading lightly. Let them know why and what you do to create a smaller eco footprint, and share how you do it.
Recycle! Even young children can keep an eye out for items that can be recycled and they can help get those items into the recycling bins. Make it a family challenge to decrease the amount of trash your family sends to the dump. Rather than always using new materials, use recycled materials and items. Giving handmade gifts not only saves money and resources, it is special to those who receive it. Click and go to the post on recycling.
Get unplugged! Our world is one of electronic connectivity. Try connecting with your children, family and friends in ways that don’t involve plugging in (even wirelessly). Go for a walk, or try out a board game. You can even make getting unplugged a family challenge. Try spending a day or weekend without connecting electronically. Get resourceful and creative. It can be fun.
Buy locally! Not only will you be supporting your local economy and neighbors, you’ll use fewer resources to get your items home. In many cases, it takes more energy to transport, store and display food than the food provides. What do you think the actual cost on the environment is of a lettuce grown in a large crop of lettuce’ (mono cropping ) in soil that is heavily sprayed with herbicide and then pesticides, then when large enough harvested and transported to a shed for packing and selling, to then be transported up to thousands of kilometers in heavy vehicles to be stored and displayed in a large factory/supermarket/artificial environment to then be sold again. And then transported to its final resting place and the unused parts are then transported to a dumping ground/landfill area. Actually there are even more steps than that in the life of a commercially produced lettuce. Phew, was life really meant to be that complicated, environmentally costly and toxic?
Travel Lighter! Walk more. Start cycling. Carpool. Consolidate trips. Stay home more. Leave your car at home for shorter trips, and make the journey by foot or bike instead. There was a time when people kept fit in their daily life. Now we are lazy and wasteful in our daily life and then pay a gym to keep us fit.
Conserve water! Researchers note that as fast as the demand for clean water increases, so does water pollution. Keep water conservation in the forefront of your mind as you go about your day. Fix leaky taps and toilets, use your laundry rinsing water on the garden and keep your showers short. Only use what you need, not what you greed. When there is no more clean water left, the ability to pay for it will have little value.
Dispose of disposables! Use (multi-purpose) reusable items whenever you can. In our disposable throwaway society what we are throwing away is a Happy, Healthy future; or possibly any future at all.
Live a life of less quantity and more quality; become more sustainable and Tread Lighter on the Earth.
Live Lightly